Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

 Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

Who does not want long,healthy and lustrous hair.Long,beautiful hair is an asset for every girl.If you are like most people seeking,long and healthy hair,you may be wondering which vitamins can grow your hair faster and make your hair healthier.But let’s admit it,almost all of us,nearly all of us have experienced hair fall at some point of time in life,the reason may differ for everyone of us but hair fall is an inevitable truth of everyone’s life.Whether it is due to age,hormonal imbalance,stress or over styling,men and women’s hair can become damaged and can suffer breakage or excessive shedding.Vitamins/Minerals for hair loss help to maintain healthy hair by supplying essential nourishment to the hair follicles.So today’s post is going to be on the Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth.


May be your hair has always been on the thinner side or may be it has lost its fullness as you have got older.So you want to grow longer hair,there are actually a number of things you can do to ensure that your hair grows at the maximum possible rate.Take good care of your hair,go for regular trims,oil your hair regularly,also try to limit damaging habits for your hair such as chemical treatment,over styling and all,do not use shampoos that have harmful chemicals like sulphates in them,try and use shampoos that are mild and do not contain harmful chemicals such as SLS.

Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

Having a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle is very essential if you are looking to grow your hair.Your food should be rich in vitamins and minerals.Keeping a relatively healthy diet is a major player in healthy hair growth as those nutrients are just as beneficial for your hair as they are for the rest of your body.But if you still feel  like you are not getting all you need,try including a multi vitamin or individual vitamin supplement into your diet.This will provide some extra help to get more length and strength for your hair.

Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

What Causes Hair Loss?

For both men and women,hair loss is primarily a result of genetics and change in hormone levels.Other causes of hair fall may be issues like health problems like thyroid,reactions to medical treatments,serious illness,pregnancy,high levels of stress,malnutrition and side effects of medication.Another cause of hair loss is due to over styling,hair colouring, perming, rebonding ,excessive use of straighteners or blow dryer on the hair,which can cause so much damage that hair literally starts to fall out.Apart from medical situation,malnutrition and improper hair care,one of the other major cause of hair loss is related to the change in hormonal level that the body goes through.For women,the decrease of estrogen and increase in testosterone will cause hair to thin or fall out  altogether. Testosterone is the primary male hormone which explains why men experience more hair fall than women.Getting the right vitamins for hair growth is important for the overall health of your hair.

Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

If you decide to go the natural way,here are the top vitamins and minerals you need to help your hair looking its best and help it grow fast:so lets get started with the Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth.

1.Vitamin C:Vitamin C is very important for our immune system and as an antioxidant in our body.It is one of the most important vitamin that you can take for healthy hair.Vitamin C is responsible for producing collagen,which is important for strengthening hair and improving hair growth.It can be found in fresh fruits: blueberries,strawberries,raspberries,orange,grapefruit,papaya pineapple and in vegetables like peas, tomato, leafy vegetable,broccoli,carrots,spinach and cod liver oil.You can take a supplement if you feel like you are not getting enough amount of Vitamin C through your diet.

Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

2.Vitamin A:Vitamin A is commonly known antioxidant.It is widely used as a mean to promote healthy hair growth.Vitamin A is necessary for cell growth too.It also aids in healthy sebum production on the scalp which further prevents strands from drying out.Vitamin A is found in ample quantities in vegetables like spinach,carrot,leafy vegetables,sweet potato,lettuce,bell peppers,fish lever and tropical fruits like peaches,avocado and banana.

Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

3.Biotin:Research suggest that biotin(part of the B complex vitamin)may improve brittle nails and thinning hair.Experts recommend taking Biotin supplement for healthy hair.Many experts recommend a biotin supplement for healthy hair because our body excretes what it does not need.

Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

Biotin is becoming one of the most used hair supplement and it simply requires it taking it in a pill form.While most of the people get Biotin from the foods that they eat everyday,it is a water soluble vitamin which means your body can’t retain it,so you need to get enough of it every day or you’ll run deficit of it.Many hair care products now contain Biotin,but a combination of both internal and external supply seems to work best.

Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

Biotin promotes healthy hair by increasing the hair’s elasticity and protects it against dryness,which also prevents breakage.Biotin also helps produce Keratin,a primary component of healthy hair.While biotin deficiency can be fixed by simply either taking it orally or by getting it through the following food:-Brown rice,peas,lentils,oats,dairy products like cheese,yogurt,meat,fish like salmon and tuna,chicken,banana and peanut butter.

Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

4.Vitamin E:It is essential in keeping your hair growing healthy.You can get enough of Vitamin E by eating foods that are full of it or by taking a whole food multi vitamin that contains it.You can find ample quantities of Vitamin E in almonds,sesame seeds,pumpkin seeds,sunflower seeds.

Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

Vitamin E,an antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals is often referred to as the “good skin” vitamin .Vitamin E also helps the body’s blood circulation by increasing oxygen uptake,which in turn aids the body in producing new hair.Some believe that Vitamin E has an effect  on body’s immune function further increasing its potential to reduce hair loss.It can be taken orally too or you can get the required quantity of Vitamin E by eating fruits and vegetables such as -spinach,turnip,hazelnuts,pine nuts, broccoli ,avocado ,parsley, papaya,olives,apricots,wheat,red bell pepper,kiwi,mango,tomatoes,peanuts and vegetable oils.

5.Vitamin D:Vitamin D promotes healthy follicle growth,reducing hair loss so you do not want to run short of it.Vitamin D is also known as sunshine vitamin.If you do not get enough Vitamin D from your diet,make sure to spend 10-15 minutes outside everyday so that you can get Vitamin D from the sun.Vitamin D is important for body functions like calcium absorption.It can be found easily in dairy products like milk,yogurt and cheese.

Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

6.Magnesium:Magnesium promotes a healthy scalp for strong and healthy hair.Eating a diet rich in magnesium is one of the way to ensure that you’re giving your scalp  what it needs to grow healthy hair.You can get your needed quantity of magnesium from almonds,sesame seeds,sunflower seeds,bananas,cashewnuts,tofu,pumpkin seeds,flaxseed,milk,oatmeal,broccoli,sweetcorn,peas and salmon.

Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

7.Zinc:Zinc repairs damage to hair cells while also keeping oil glands surrounding follicles in peak shape.The good news is that you do not have to try too hard to keep up with your zinc requirements and the most standard diets keep it covered.But you may have trouble absorbing the Zinc that you are getting,at which point you may need additional supplements or hair products that contain Zinc.High content Zinc foods include foods like lamb,chocolate,pumpkin seeds and cereals and oysters.

Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

8.Iron:Iron carries oxygen to hair and promotes growth.Deficiency of iron often leads to anemia.Iron rich foods include egg yolk,red meat,spinach and chicken.You can also fulfill the needed quantity of iron by taking Iron pills orally.

Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

9.Niacin:Niacin nourishes the scalp by promoting circulation which leads to healthy hair growth.It can be found in fish,chicken,pork and peanuts.Niacin is in the Vitamin B family but its role is significant in helping to nourish the scalp,promoting healthy hair growth.With inadequate amounts of niacin your hair may become brittle,lifeless and may even fall out.

Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

You cannot replace a bad diet with supplements,so it is always advisable to use a combo approach.Focus on improving your diet as the first option,change your lifestyle to a healthier one and talk to your doctor about the vitamin/Supplements that may be right for you.

3 thoughts on “Vitamins/Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth

  1. Great information about foods and vitamins!

  2. WOW!!! This article helpful for me about Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy Hair Growth. I worried about hair foods. Now my confusion has cleared by your review and gotten much information from your article. But I have a little question that, how many days later will I use shampoo for hair quickly grow and strong in a week alongside with best foods? Could you please suggest me? Then I will be benefited by your valuable consultancy.

    Thanks Yamini and Keep it up……………………

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