Surya Namaskar/Sun Salutation:The Single Mantra to Fitness Surya Namaskar,also known as Sun Saluation is an ancient form of exercise.Sun Salutation is a common sequence of Asanas or Postures.India has always been known for yoga since ancient times.Its origin lies in India where its large Hindu population worships Surya,the hindu solar diety.Surya Namaskar like most othere…
Monthly Archives: October 2015
My Envy Box October 2015:Second Anniversary Box Review
My Envy Box October 2015:Second Anniversary Box Review Hello,all you beautiful ladies out there.I just received My Envy Box and I am jumping in joy.It is there second anniversary box and I was expecting something luxurious this time and the moment I opened it,my reaction was OH MY GOD,literally,this was my reaction when I opened…
Kim Kardashian Make up Artist Mario Dedivanovic Make up Tips and Tricks
Kim Kardashian Make up Artist Mario Dedivanovic Make up Tips and Tricks Who doesn’t love Kim Kardashian’s make up,her contoured look and chiseled face,high cheekbones,perfect nose,everything seems so perfect.She is the most photographed woman in the world,a superstar followed and adorned by millions. Her beauty is iconic,but even modern day icons need make up artist…

Plum NaturStudio All-Day-Wear Kohl Kajal Review and Swatches
Plum NaturStudio All-Day-Wear Kohl Kajal Review and Swatches Some products come as a boon in your life and the Plum NaturStudio All-Day Wear Kohl Kajal is a blessing from God for me.I have the world’s most sensitive and wattery eyes,I have tried kajals and kohls from nearly all brands,be it high end brands like…
My Top 7 NO POO Herbal Hair Shampoo/Cleanser Recipes
My Top 7 NO POO Herbal Hair Shampoo/Cleanser Recipes Hello all of you.In my last blog post I had explained what exactly is NO POO and today’s article is going be on the procedure and the difference recipes available for NO POO.So to begin with,actually there are a lot of ways of NO POO.Mostly people…