6 Simple Things You Need To Try To Fight Hair Loss
Hello Everyone,
Hair fall is a problem that most of us face. With the increased artificial standards of beauty, all of us are trying to fit in molds that were not meant for us. Straightening, curling, blow drying, colouring our hair on a seasonal or yearly basis can prove to be harmful.
While I do agree it is one’s choice to do what they desire, most of us do it because it is expected of us. A great deal of hair styling techniques that we follow contributes to hair fall. If you’re looking for a solution to the particular problem, then you’ve come to the right place. Mentioned below are a few tips that will surely help you fight hair loss.
1. CBD Oil
While this may sound like a myth, I can say through personal experience that it can work wonders. Oiling can contribute to healthy hair growth and hair fall reduction in a week. The best way to oil your hair is to make an oil concoction of CBD oil and various essential oils such as castor oil and lavender oil etc. and heat to a warm temperature. After it is ready, you should apply it overnight so that your scalp can be nourished. Wash it in the morning with room temperature water. Visit the Green Order Site to get your hands on CBD oil.
2. Egg-Based Hair Masks
If you’re a big fan of skin masks, then you should also try hair masks for increased growth and less hair fall. Egg-based hair masks can prove to be very beneficial. Take an egg yolk and two spoons of curd to make a hair mask, or egg yolk and some fresh green tea. Both masks contain necessary nutrients that can reduce hair fall.
3. Aloe Vera
I recently tried Aloe Vera after watching a YouTube video, and it turned out to work wonderfully. Not only did it get rid of dandruff, but it also reduced hair fall after the second use. If you use fresh Aloe Vera make sure that you don’t use the yellow liquid.
4. Onion Juice/Coconut Oil/ Castor Oil
This concoction has helped my hair growth immensely. Use one cup of coconut oil, three tablespoons of castor oil and the juice of one onion. Heat them till they boil and use when it cools down. Within a month your hair will grow 1-1.5 inches depending on how often you use it.
5. Food VS. Supplements
Try to have a healthier diet, before you start using supplements look up foods that contribute to hair fall reduction such as a fish, eggs, yogurt etc. and incorporate them into your everyday diet. While supplements are also suitable for hair growth, you should try to get the required vitamins from the original source.
6. Visit a Doctor
If you think that your hair fall is unnatural, and you think there might be a more significant factor contributing to it, you should visit your doctor at your first possible convenience. Sometimes hair fall is a symptom to a bigger problem.
I hope the tips mentioned above help you with your hair loss problem. If there are other hair fall tips that you follow, feel free to mention in the comments. Good Luck!
About the Author:
Jack is a psychotherapist and neurodegenerative disorders’ expert. He has been practicing in New York for 25 years now, and since then he has been fighting to make marijuana legal in the United States for it comes with numerous health benefits. You can read his blogs at https://thegreenace.ca/category/the-green-ace-blog/.
Make your hair grow thicker with the balance of eating more protein food and using the right hair care products for your hair.
Eggs and Aleo are somethings I try personally in the list and they indeed worked… so whenever I got into the problem I definitely do that… I think the list applies to males too?