DIY Lip Scrub


DIY Lip Scrub

Hello everyone,I am really into DIY’S these days,I keep trying out different diy’s and today I will be sharing with you a DIY Lip Scrub that is super easy to make and works exceptionally well on dry and chapped lips.So let us start with the Lip Scrub.

DIY Lip Scrub

Products Required:

◦ 2 Tbsp Brown Sugar.

◦ 1 Tbsp Organic Honey.

◦ 2 Tbsp Olive Oil.

◦ 1 Glass bowl and a spoon to mix all the ingredients.

◦ 1 Glass jar to store the lip scrub.

DIY Lip Scrub


1.Take 2 Tbsp of brown sugar in a bowl.

DIY Lip Scrub

2.Add 2 tbsp of olive oil to it.

DIY Lip Scrub

3.Now pour in 1 tbsp of honey to it.

DIY Lip Scrub

4.Mix well all the ingredients.

DIY Lip Scrub

5.Now store the lip scrub in a glass jar.I use my Lush Lip Scrub jar to store it.

DIY Lip Scrub

6.Pop the lip scrub into the fridge to let it bind together properly.Whenever you want to use it take out the desired quantity with the help of a spatula,apply it onto your lips and scrub your lips in circular motions with it for 2-3 minutes.You can also use a toothbrush to scrub your lips  with this homemade lip scrub.Take out some quantity on the brush and rub it in circular motions very gently to exfoliate your lips.

DIY Lip Scrub

7.Wash off with cold water.

8.You will experience soft,pink and nourished lips.

9.You can scrub your lips twice a week with this scrub.

I love this scrub simply because it so easy to make and only 3 ingredients are needed to make it and all of them are readily available in our kitchen.So try out this Lip scrub and please tell me how did you find it.Stay tuned to my blog because a lot of DIY’S  will be coming up on the blog.

4 thoughts on “DIY Lip Scrub

  1. Very simple DIY and it sounds effective too.

    • It really cures dry and chapped lips Sangeeta and is so easy and cheap to prepare.

  2. The sugar granules hurt sometimes. Good diy, thanks for sharing 🙂

    • You have to be very gentle while scrubbing your lips Sonali otherwise the sugar granules might hurt.On the other hand the sugar granules because of their texture help to exfoliate the dead skin.

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