How to Choose Your Face Wash When Dealing with Acne
Hello Everyone,
Although most people get the occasional blackhead or pimple, some of us have to deal with much more. When handling acne-prone skin, the products you use in your beauty regimen make all the difference in the world. There’s nothing more important than choosing the right cleanser if you want your complexion to stay blemish-free and keep excess sebum at bay.
How to Choose the Right Product
Although pharmacies and beauty retailers sell a wide variety of formulas to serve this purpose, it is recommended to use a natural and organic face wash if you want to achieve the best possible results. You can find a list of recommendations on Sound Body Life. This type of complexion is usually rather sensitive as well, which means that synthesized substances can irritate it.
To avoid further inflammation, cysts, and other unwanted complications, always stick to products that contain clean versions of benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, lactic acid, or glycolic acid. While the former two ingredients dry out pimples and diminish their appearance, the latter couplet make an excellent chemical exfoliant that will dissolve impurities.
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It’s important to not use washes that contain mechanical exfoliants such as microbeads or other rough or coarse components. These aggravate the epidermis, which contributes to the formation of breakouts and the appearance of rosacea. What is more, scrubbing too much of the face’s natural oils away leads to overproduction, and you certainly don’t want that.
From the organic category, nothing beats Neutrogena’s line of acne-fighting cleansers. The Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Facial Cleanser is formulated using natural salicylic acid only, and it doesn’t leave any soapy residue on the face after it has been rinsed off. However, if you are allergic to added fragrances, you might want to try something else.
If you’ve got a few more bucks to spend, the Organic Purifying Facial Cleanser with Antioxidants Vitamin C and E by Block Island Organics is a true goldmine for acne-prone skin, as well as other complexion types. It is a vegan formula that contains extracts of avocado, chamomile, rosehip, and burdock to deliver the best possible results.
However, if you are looking for something that is available at your local Target and don’t necessarily need it to be organic, Allure Magazine recommends the 6-dollar Clean & Clear Acne Triple Clear Bubble Foam Cleanser. This foamy face wash is enriched with salicylic acid as well, which makes it the perfect affordable option.
The Proper Face Cleansing Regimen
Although face wash is the pivotal element in any skincare regimen targeted towards preventing or diminishing acne, there are some other things that you need to consider as well. First of all, the food that you eat is often reflected on the face. Thus, if you want to keep problems under control, you will need to change your dietary habits.
Greasy junk food is a notorious acne trigger, as are processed sugars and dairy. Therefore, you might want to steer clear of those if you want to improve the aspect of your complexion. What is more, spending too much time in the sun leads to inflammation and other complications, which is why it is advisable not to do so in this case.
In addition, the entire process of washing your face relies on much more than just the products you use. First of all, it’s important to only use warm water, and not hot, so that you don’t further irritate your pimples. In addition, any exfoliating paraphernalia such as rough sponges or brushes is out of the question.
When you are done with your ritual, dry your face using a soft washcloth or towel. Afterward, always remember to moisturize properly. The active ingredients that combat acne usually dry the skin out in the process as well. To avoid any excess sebum, use a water or gel-based cream after your thorough cleanse toput some of that hydration back in.
Final Thoughts
Acne-prone skin is one of the most difficult complexion types to handle. Fortunately, using the right face wash can make all the difference in the world. With the right active ingredients and a delicate formula, you will be able to remove impurities and dead skin cells from the surface of the epidermis, while at the same time not irritating the already-sensitive area.
Of course, other crucial steps need to be followed. Always moisturize afterward and be mindful of the food you eat, and the factors you expose your skin to. If you want to avoid breakouts in the future, every single detail matters.