My Hair Growth Journey
Hello friends,
I had been planning to do this post for the past one month or so but then I was trying out few hair oils, few hair masks and I wanted to see the complete result of those remedies on my hair and then I wanted to share it with all of you. I love long hair and I am sure each and every girl wants to have long, luscious, smooth and shiny hair and we use so many hair oils, hair masks, hair shampoos, conditioner and what not to get that perfect hair.
I’ve always had long hair, ever since I passed out of school, it was only in school when I had short hair but after passing out from school I have always had long hair. My hair was very very thick when I was in college but then I started getting my hair cut into layers and it was then that the thickness of my hair reduced considerably.
My hair became very thin and it is now that I have realized that the condition of my hair deteriorated only because I got my hair cut into layers. Now I’ve decided that I would never ever get my hair cut in layers. I will always have one length hair because when you have one length hair the volume of your hair increases but when you start getting your hair cut into layers somehow the volume of the hair decreases and your hair gets very thin and limp.
Around one and a half years back I had a terrible, terrible, terrible haircut. I had almost waist length hair and I went to a salon and I told the hairdresser to just trim my hair and I don’t know what the hell happened to him, he just took my hair and he chopped it off till my shoulders. My waist length hair was upto my shoulders in a matter of just 20 seconds. I was so pissed off when I saw my hair but then nothing could have been done. It was all gone… in one go…
I’ve been trying to grow my hair for the past one and a half year. I’ve been trying each and every hair remedy that I have been suggested by anyone. You won’t believe that I have tried hundreds of hair masks, hair oils, a lot of commercial hair products but nothing helped that much.
Then 6 months back I realized that I will have to completely change my hair care routine if I wanted to get my long hair back. The first thing that I did was that I stopped using hair shampoos and conditioners that had parabens and sulphates in them. I switched over to herbal shampoos and conditioners. I completely stopped using hair serums, hair sprays, dry shampoo, leave in conditioners on my hair altogether.
For the past 5 months I haven’t straightened, curled or even hair dryed my hair, have stopped using heat on my hair completely and all these steps have changed my hair texture, my hair volume and the quality of my hair has become so good… Trust me guys, if you really want to grow your hair long, want to minimize hair fall, want thick, long, healthy and beautiful tresses, quit using chemicals and heat on your hair and you will see the positive results within a month.
So to start with my complete hair care routine let me share with you how my hair looked around 6 months back and how they look today. I was so pissed off with my hair that I didn’t even click pictures of my hair since that terrible hair cut. So I do not have pictures of my hair since that hair cut but started clicking pictures when I went all natural with my hair care. From now on I will be clicking pictures every two months and will be putting up my herbal hair care routine regularly on my blog.
You can clearly see how bad my hair has been cut in the first picture, even the layers are not cut uniformly.
In the second picture you will see that my hair has started increasing in length and now it is becoming a bit uniform.
In the third picture you will see that my hair length has increased considerably and even the hair volume has increased because now the layers are growing and my hair is getting one length.
The last picture has been clicked yesterday, so this is how my hair looks as of now. I am pretty happy with my hair length, my hair texture, my hair thickness and the rate at which my hair is increasing is what I am the most happy about, really the hair oils and the hair masks have tremendously accelerated the hair growth rate.
Here is a small video of how my hair looks:
So let’s begin with the details:
I have been using a combination of 2 to 3 hair oil recipes and using a blend of 2-3 hair oils has really helped me. I am inserting links of the hair oils recipes that I have been using and if you want you can prepare them easily at your home and can have long hair within a few months.
1.Ancient Ayurvedic Hair Oil Treatment from India-Make your hair grow Thicker and Faster: DIY
2. Hair Growth Oil for Long Shiny Hair: DIY
3. Magical Ayurvedic Homemade Hair Oil to Stop Hair
4. How to Grow Long, Thick and Healthy Hair Naturally
I have been always a hair oil person, means I was never into hair masks and all but when I stared my blog I started trying out different hair masks and soon got addicted to them. Now you will see me mixing up different ingredients every week to curate a new hair mask. Hair masks and hair rinses are my latest addiction. I am amazed how helpful and beneficial hair masks are for our hair so if you are not into hair masks, start using them and you will see how good they are for our hair. So these are a few hair masks that I have been using.
1. How to Use Fenugreek for Hair Loss, Hair Thinning and Hair Re-Growth
2. Aloe Vera and Onion Hair Mask for Long, Thick and Healthy Hair: DIY
3. How to Grow Hair Really Fast-DIY
4. Double your Hair Growth, Stop Hair Fall, Stop Premature Graying of Hair
5. How to Grow Your Hair Fast and Naturally
I know they may seem a lot of work to prepare these hair oils and hair masks but actually they do not take so much time and even if they do we girls do deserve this extra pampering once in a while.
Hair Rinses:
If you are someone who cannot spare extra time from your busy routine but still want to have those long, thick and healthy hair, then you can opt for hair rinses. Hair rinses are comparatively easy to prepare and the results are really amazing.
1. Ancient Chinese Secret for Growing the Longest Hair in the World:DIY
2. 6 Hair Rinses for Healthy and Shiny Hair
3. How to Stop Hair Fall Instantly with this Herbal Hair Rinse: DIY
4. How to Use Guava Leaves to Stop Hair Fall
Natural Hair Shampoo:
I have also stopped using commercial hair shampoos and conditioners, even if I am using one it has to a herbal one or one which doesn’t have parabens and sulfates. These days I have been using the Rainforest Hair Shampoo and Conditioner by The Body Shop very occasionally. You guys won’t believe that I have skipped commercial shampoos and conditioners too. I have been using my homemade hair shampoo and it has increased the volume of my hair tremendously. If you are experiencing abnormal hair fall do try out this homemade hair cleanser and it will stop your hair fall in just 2-3 washes.
1. How to Stop Hair Fall Instantly with this Hair Rinse: DIY
I have diy’ed my homemade conditioner too and it has the same creamy texture as the commercial hair conditioner and it makes my hair so soft and smooth. Haven’t shared the recipes here on my blog but will be doing that real soon.
I have been also applying henna to my hair to give it a deep blonde shade. I always wanted to color my hair but am scared that all the chemicals in them are going to damage my hair so I apply henna every 3 months to give my hair that coloured effect.
You can also read: Colour Your Hair the Natural Way with this Indian Herb:DIY
Another very important to keep in mind if you want to have clear, flawless skin and long, thick and healthy hair is to ” EAT HEALTHY”. What you put inside your stomach reflects on your face. Restrict the use of junk and fried food. No one can skip it altogether but can surely restrict the amount of junk and fried food that we consume. Avoid processed foods like cheese, ham, bacon, frozen food, avoid aerated drinks, go for natural fruit juices and shakes which do not contain preservatives and artificial sweetening agents.
You can also read: How to Still Eat Healthy While Eating Out
Try and exercise a bit, inhale fresh air, eat healthy, use natural hair care and skin care remedies, basically cut down the use of chemicals in your life, be it food, skin care, hair care or make up and see the positive effects they have in your life. People think that natural skin care and hair care remedies do not work but after trying them out I can surely say that they do take a little bit of time to show the results but when they do start giving positive results you will be astonished to see how a homemade product can also be so effective. Another thing that I want to bring to your notice is that all the skin care and hair care products that we all use give results till the time we keep using it, the moment we stop using them our problems resurface but with natural products they do take a little bit of extra time to show results but once you see their effects even if you stop using them the problem doesn’t resurface.
I have also started diy’ing my skin serums, face oils, face and body cleansers, day and night creams, body ubtans, toners, facial mists and I am so so happy that I have been able to make this drastic switch over. I will soon be sharing my natural skin care homemade beauty product recipes on my blog and a complete post on natural skin care is also going to be up soon… So decide what is best for you, chemically loaded products or natural skin care and hair care regime. The choice is upto “YOU”.
You can also read: Reverse Signs of Aging and Remove Wrinkles with this DIY Vitamin C Facial Serum
Oh wow you can see so much change in your hair growth!
Really.. I am so happy to see the positive effects of natural hair care on my hair.
Wow… Your hair growth is commendable. Even I use fenugreek and it definitely works. Your detailed post was very helpful. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thanks Nimisha. I love your blog, you post amazing content dear.