How Do I Take Care of My Hands

How Do I  Take Care of My Hands

Hello Everyone,

Hands and feet are a part of our body that we often neglect. Our hands are one of the most used organ in our body, we do most of our daily chores with our hands but when it comes to pampering we take care of our face but usually neglect our hands. We pay attention and take care of our face and hair but we ignore our hands and feet. In the past few years I had ignored my hands a lot, I do not know whether it was intentional or I did it by mistake but yes I hadn’t taken care of my hands at all and the condition of my hands told the whole story. Around 3-4 months back the condition of my hands worsened and it was an alarming situation for me, it was then I decided to design a special hand care routine for myself. It’s been couple of months since I have been following this regime and I am so happy that my hands are loving this treat. The condition of my hands has improved immensely and they are in such better condition. Today’s post is going to be on how do I take care of my hands or rather how we all should take care of our hands.

How Do I Take Care of My Hands

My Hand Care Routine:

Moisturize Moisturize Moisturize

Firstly, the most important point that we should always remember is to keep our hands moisturized properly. Dry and rough hands can often lead to wrinkles and matured looking skin. Always remember to apply a good hand cream to your hands after a bath and reapply every time you wash your hands. I make it  a point to keep my hands moisturized all the times and doing this simple step makes a lot of difference. Moisturization keeps our skin soft and supple so it is always necessary to apply a good hand cream or a good body lotion on our hands. I have been using The Body Shop Vitamin E Hand & Nail Treatment and it has been the best hand cream that I have used till date. It is a very light cream and gets absorbed into the skin like a dream. Do try it out if you are looking for a good hand cream.

How Do I Take Care of My Hands

Another thing that I always remember is to apply a sunscreen or a body lotion with SPF on your hands. As much as sunscreen is necessary for our face it is equally important and necessary for our hands too. While applying sunscreen on your face always remember to cover your hands and arms with a good amount of sunscreen to help avoid tanning.

If my hands and arms get tanned in summer I apply a pack to get rid of the tanning. I mix together 3 tbsp of sour curd, 1/4 Tsp of turmeric , 2 tbsp of gram flour and juice of 1 lemon and I apply this to my hands and leave it for 15 minutes. Once it dries I spray some rose water on my arms and rub off the pack from my hands in circular motions. This is a very effective pack if you are looking to get rid of the tan. You can apply this thrice in a week.

How Do I Take Care of My Hands

I also exfoliate my whole body once a week with any scrub that is available in the market but for my hands I make a homemade scrub that helps to get rid of the dead skin on my hands. I use this scrub twice a week and it helps to make my hands super soft and smooth. I have two holy grail scrub Diy recipes that I have been using and they always work wonderfully for me.

For the first recipe I take 2 tbsp of sea salt, add in 10 drops of lemon juice, 10 drops of tomato juice or tomato pulp and 1/2 tsp of coconut oil and mix them properly. Next I take this scrub and rub this mixture on both my hands in circular motions for 5-6 minutes and rinse off will tap water. The lemon and the tomato juice will help you to get rid of the tan and help to lighten the skin whereas the sea salt will help to exfoliate the dead skin. This works as an excellent hand scrub. You can prepare this scrub in larger batch and store it in the fridge for 15 days.

How Do I Take Care of My Hands

Second hand scrub- Mix in 3 tbsp of brown or white sugar with 1 tbsp of coffee powder, add in 1 tbsp of licorice powder and 2 tbsp of olive or coconut oil. Mix all the ingredients of the scrub and store it in a jar in the fridge for 15-20 days. When needed I take 1 tsp of this scrub in my palm and I scrub my hands with it for 5 minutes, I rinse it off with cold water.

Sugar helps to exfoliate dead skin, coffee powder also acts as an exfoliator and it helps to get rid of tan too. Licorice powder is a skin lightening agent and olive oil helps to moisturize the hands. I swear by these two hand scrubs. Try them out and I promise you are going to love your hands after using them.

There is one more scrub that you can use to exfoliate your hands. For full instructions refer to THIS post.

One more tip to follow if you want soft and beautiful hands is to wear gloves while washing the dishes because the detergent base present in the dish washing liquid or dish washing bars leads to dry, rough and damaged skin. Also try to wear gloves while washing clothes too because the detergent in washing powders can also lead to dry and worn out skin.

How Do I Take Care of My Hands

Our hands are also as important as our face so I also like to apply packs on my hands to make them soft. When I make face packs for my face I usually make it in larger batch so whatever is left I apply it on my arms and hands so that my hands also get the special care and avail the benefits of the pack.

While going to sleep give your hands a good massage with any oil like almond oil or olive oil. Warm 1/4 tsp of oil in a microwave, add in 2-3 drops of Vitamin E oil and massage it into your skin till the oil is absorbed into the skin. This oil massage works like a magic for dry hands and ageing skin, the oil gets absorbed into the skin and you will wake up with soft baby skin.

How Do I Take Care of My Hands

Also go for manicure atleast once a month. I sometimes go for manicures at salons but usually I like to do my manicures at home. During my Cosmetology classes at VLCC I had been taught how to do manicures and pedicures so I do it at home and make my hands look beautiful. If you girls want I can do a full post on how to do manicures and pedicure at home, so please comment if you want a detailed post on that.

How Do I Take Care of My Hands

I hope all these steps and tips help you to get beautiful and soft hands. Our hands also need some pampering in a while, don’t they??

34 thoughts on “How Do I Take Care of My Hands

  1. What an interesting topic. I’ve never thought much about it. I’m so active with my hands. I’m always cleaning something or cooking, etc. They really do take a beating. I’ll have to remember to be more gentle and take better care.

    • Yeah Lisa we do need to show our hands some love.We use them for all our daily chores but when it comes to taking care of our hands we always neglect them.

  2. The Body Shop Hand Butter is all that i use and now I am keen to try it all. Bookmarked babes 🙂

    • I am so happy that you liked my tips.Do try them out Soumya and I bet your hands are going to love this pampering.?

  3. I am so much into cooking and forget to take care of my hands.. Thanks for posting 🙂

    • Sonali we often neglect our hands so this post is going is for all those girls who don’t take care of their hands.I am glad you liked it.?

  4. Very interesting Post,lovely

  5. Great tips for a hands hun… loved them… thx for sharing…xoxo, Neha

    • Thank you so much Neha.I am glad you liked them.☺

  6. Very nice and informative post Yamini :). Even I ignore my hands and feet. From now on I am definitely going to take care of them. Xoxo

    • Thanks Akansha…It is true that all of us sometimes forget to take care of our hands and feet.I hope you will start taking care of them after reading this post.?

  7. Thanks for sharing these lovely tips Yamini. I liked the idea of applying pack on hands and making pack in bulk so that whatever is left can be applied to hands 🙂

    • Thanks a lot Megha.I am really glad that you liked them.?

  8. I am so active with my hands but I tend to neglect them a lot! Thanks for sharing this post, great reminder 🙂

    Come visit us soon
    Makeup, Style and Sugar

    • Thanks a ton Ankita.All of us tend to neglect our hands so this post is a reminder for all of us to start taking care of them.?

  9. My hands get super dry. I need to start trying these tips now 🙂

    • Ankita do try out these tips and I bet you will really find these tips to be helpful.?

  10. Thanks for sharing dear….I love to take care of my hands and moisturization is especially a must for me during summers as well as winters…..

    • Swati keeping our hands moisturized is actually the key to soft and beautiful hands.Thanks a lot dear.?

  11. Wow you are really sincere in taking care of your hands. i never forget to apply a hand cream just before hitting the bed!

    • Megha we should take care of our hands as much as we care for our face and hair.All these steps really help.

  12. I always forget to wear gloves while washing dishes 🙁 Thanks to my Kiwi hand and nail cream, they are in better condition now. I do apply homemade scrubs and now will follow your DIY recipes too 🙂 🙂 Wonderful post, Yamini 🙂

    • Thanks a lot Anamika.I am glad that you liked my post.Do follow these steps and you will love them.☺

  13. Very informative post, I personally like to take care of my hands a lot 🙂

  14. Loved the tips dear ?

  15. Lovely post and thanks so much for the post 🙂

    • Thank you so much Karishma☺.

  16. I can’t live without handcreams now…and recently i have started to go for manicures as well as i realised they do make a difference 🙂 lovely post..

    • Thanks a lot sweetie… It is good that you really take good care of your hands… Manicures do make a big difference…

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