How to Treat Acne Scars With Carrot Juice
(Treating Acne Scars Using Carrot Juice)
Hello Everyone,
After you have successfully punished acne, chances are, scars and black spots will be
left shouting that acne has just left. This is a bit disappointing since you expected a beautiful and spotless face in return. This means, you still have to take care of the scars, and that is where the carrot juice now comes in.
Out there you will find many beauty products that claim to save your good-looking
face from acne scars and black spots. Forget all these chemical-made beauty products and let me show you how to treat acne scars with carrot juice.
Carrot juice offers an effective and excellent skin care remedy for treating acne scars and other skin complications. But before we discuss how to treat acne scars with carrot juice, let’s look at what makes it best for this job.
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What Makes Carrot Juice Best for Treating Acne Scars
Carrot juice does not only work on your sight but also on your skin. When used
externally or internally, carrot juice encourages the growth and development of
skin tissues, making it the first priority when it comes to treating acne scars.
Freshly juiced carrots hold high amounts of beta carotene which is a major source of
retinol. Retinol is the finest and purest form of vitamin A, and combined with the antioxidant properties that carrots hold; it will soothe your skin and get rid of all types of acne scars.
How to Treat Acne Scars With Carrot Juice
For you to improve the state of your skin, you can use carrot juice both internally
and externally; either way will work, but to get rid of acne scars, using carrot juice externally is the best idea.
To treat acne scars using carrot juice, you will need the following:
- 2 stalks of carrots
- Juicer
- Sea salt
- Clean the carrots carefully
- Drop the carrots in a juicer and blend
- Pour the juice into a small bowl and add 1 tablespoonful of sea salt
- Mix thoroughly to form a paste
- Use the paste to massage (in a circular motion) the affected area
- Leave the paste on the skin until it dries completely
- Rinse off with warm water and pat dry
Now you know how to get rid of acne scars using external application of carrot
juice remedy. However, you can still get rid of acne scars from the inside. This method involves preparing and consuming the delicious carrot juice.
When preparing the carrot juice, you can opt to blend pure carrots or couple them
with other skin-benefiting ingredients such as ginger, pineapple, grapefruit, and sweet pepper.
Using both the external and internal methods to get rid of acne scars has no harm. In
fact, you will have an upper hand but do not consume a lot of carrots, the high
amount of beta-carotene can cause your face to turn orange.
Note: For maximum results, apply this remedy daily for two weeks.
Final Verdict
After discussing how to treat acne scars with carrot juice, I dare say that this
juice a 2 in 1 remedy, because it works by exfoliating the skin and at the same
time promotes the growth of new skin cells. So, what you achieve at the end of
it all is a smooth, young, and healthy skin free from acne scars.
About the Author
She is Megan Ann and She is chatting about parenting, family friendly activities, yummy recipes, family travel, and living a life full of love and laughter. She tries to write useful and informative articles to help you as much as she can with her knowledge about Heathy and beauty. Check out to learn more about her work.
I really appreciate the info and idea. I have used Argan oil lately to resolve acne scars and skin issues and it , but I had no idea that carrot has the same influence on acne scars. Thanks for sharing it with us 🙂